Large Format Drawing Scanning
Microsystems has specialized in scanning and converting engineering drawings, maps and other large format documents into digital solutions for the past 20 years and analog solutions since 1957. In fact, Microsystems was instrumental in helping the Department of Defense in creating its military specifications as they relate to the microfilming of engineering drawings. We utilize high resolution production scanning equipment and software from Kip, Oce and Digitech to capture and index your large format drawings.
User defined search criteria allows you to retrieve this information to fit your way of working. Documents that were hard to find, misfiled or misplaced are now available within seconds.
- Black & White, Color or Grayscale
- 150-600 DPI
- Image Enhancement Software to help with Poor Quality Originals
- Scanning on-site or at our facility
Key Benefits
- Reduced Costs
- Improved Business Processes
- Streamlined Operations
Contact us for more information.